I reflect back on what I have and what I have left behind. The last few years have been one of enormous change, sadness, tears, laughter and intense happiness. It has been a long road and I think of the intertwining paths that have come across mine. They say people are in your life for a reason, a season and a few trusted few stay for a lifetime. I have recently made some very close friends who I hope will stay for a lifetime, and I have also recently had to cut some people out of my life. I remember being in high school and having well over a hundred phone numbers and addresses of friends and yet here as I creep closer to the middle of my life I can count quite quickly the number of people that I call a close friend. It should seem then that I would be less happy, having lost friends. Does this mean I am not popular? On the other hand i think of the quality of the friends that I have now. I am in fact considerably more happy now than I was then. There are lots of people on...
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