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Permanent or Removable.....that is the question!

So, I have had a few days to reflect on this being 39 thing, and I think I am pretty excited! I am about to enter a totally new phase of my life and this is scary and crazy and wonderful.

I think it is apropos that my last year of my 30’s will be met with much great fanfare and celebration all year long. It is after all the 10th anniversary of the Good Noise Vancouver Gospel Choir and as such we have some AMAZING concerts and events happening this year!

I have decided that this year will be much like the one that ushered in my 30’s with lots of self reflection, being kind to myself and treating myself they way I should be treated! Thankfully this time I will be doing it with someone I love very deeply by my side!

One of the things I have been thinking about it the desire to let go but not forget the lessons I have learned! Life has not always been kind to me; I have had some pretty shitty stuff happen in my life so far. Please don’t take this as any form of Woe is me…just a fact. Life has also been pretty incredible so don’t think I haven’t seen all the amazing!

I want to take a moment however to recognize the strength, courage, tenacity, patience and fight it has taken for me to overcome some pretty significant obstacles. I am not sure I would have these qualities in my life if it were not for those situations and for that I celebrate each and every one of those dark moments.

I am made up of the moments that have preceded this one and for that I never want to forget the road I have wandered and the lessons that I have learned along the way. I have been thinking about how to honour this and have decided that I will treat myself.

The hard choice for me now is how? I love the idea of the string around the finger to remind you not to forget.

 I am weighing the options and have come down to buying myself a ring or getting a tattoo. I love this ring:

But then I love the idea of making it permanent! Here are a few ideas….I love the one on the wrist but would do it either on my pointer or thumb.

What do you think??


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