I am super excited today! I just got invited to a new Bzz Campaign for Crest Pro health! Whats BzzAgent you say?
Its an awesome company that connects companies that want feedback on their product with super cool people like me that love to talk about what I like and don't like! They send me products and I test them out, tell my friends, had out some coupons or other free products and then I tell the world via social media what I think!
Some of you may already know that I have had some issues with tooth paste in the past! The culprit is Sodium lauryl sulfate or SLS; this is the agent that causes toothpaste to lather up (most shampoos, soaps and even lipglosses have it too).
Its an irritant and for me it caused INCREDIBLY chapped lips! Like raw and scaly gross lips!
SO WHY USE IT??? I haven't for almost 5 months now! I have been using Toms of Maine sensitive toothpaste which tastes good and works awesome! However I have missed the whitening agent of my previous crest toothpaste!
Now that my lips are baby soft again, I am excited to try this out and see if it was the toothpaste alone or if it was a combination of factors that lead to the chappy lips!
Stay tuned as I tell you all about my awesome new campaign!