Hello lovelies, I thought I would share what it looks like to do a day on Weight Watchers. If you don't know, WW (as it's known now), is a points-based system. Each person is given a balance of daily points to plan their meals and starts with a balance of weekly points that can grow with activity or go down if you need additional points to get through your day. I have 33 daily points and 28 weekly points, I would say about half the time I stay within my daily points, late night snacking or less than stellar choices are something I am working on. I will say that my points are pretty high as I still have a lot to lose. Your point allocation is based on your sex, body composition, current weight, goal weight, and activity level. There is a huge list of "zero point" foods which consist of non-starchy veg and fruit as well as some lean proteins like beans, chicken breasts, and eggs. the intention is to build your menu around these clean foods and use your points for he...
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