Okay, so this took a little longer to write than I thought! I was sure I would get home from our little trip to Seattle, finish packing my bag for camp and sit down and write you an awesome blog! HAHHAHAHAHHA Not even close.... Okay so just in case you live in a cave you need to go read the bloggess....any post will do but I really love this one: http://thebloggess.com/2011/06/and-thats-why-you-should-learn-to-pick-your-battles/ This was the very first post of hers I read and then I had to go back and read all the other ones, she really is that funny! I highly recommend subscribing to her feed. Back on track...the reading! Angel, Kam and I got up early and headed out to Seattle and of course we did a bit of shopping on the way down; I mean really, who can resist? We found some great deals and excitedly headed to Costco, yup Costco! We were so excited that we ended up getting there at 2:30 for the 6:30 start, sigh... We thought w...
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