First off an update...Chris and I had a wonderful christmas season with the family even though it was crazy busy as usual. For those of you who only read the blog and not facebook....In December I was diagnosed with Intercranial HyperTension (basicly my brain is swollen and causing pressure). It was a hard month but I am doing well on the medication despite the crappy side effects and my inability to remember to take medications on time! I am currently following up with 3 doctors each month and going for routine labs to make sure I am still okay. Needless to say I am totally sick of seeing the doctors LOL. This apparently will continue for at least 6 months BLAH! In an effort to get my brain and body healthy again I have decided to go back to what works for me! Peer pressure LOL. I have joined Weight Watchers again and got myself a work out buddy who can work out with me at lunch or after work! ...
Welcome to my journey! I am learning and struggling and loving! Why not take a look around, offer up some advice or let us know what you think!